Wednesday, March 14, 2007

First trip back home

Flights of Fancy

For the first ten days in March, I headed home to E-Town. I walked out of my apartment in Topeka into a blizzard, and I almost forgot my passport. I couldn't find it, so I ransacked in a panic. Finally, after some prayer, I realized it was in my other suitcase that I wasn't bringing. Whew.

My flight from KC was uberlate, so I obviously was going to miss my connection in Minneapolis. They then decide to put me on a three hour flight to Seattle where I would quickly connect to Edmonton. Although I originally had an exit row windows seat to stretch my long legs, the new plane leaving Minn had me in row 43 in a middle seat. That suuucked. So we arrive in Seattle, and I run over to my gate, but I missed my flight by a few minutes. Next flight home.... 5 hours. Nap time. Luckily I also had time to go to the duty free shop.

Dad picked me up and I got my keys from my aunt who lives five minutes away. Got a call from my lodge buddy's who were at the local pub. I also got to see my ol'/new pal Matty from Australia. We had some needed drinks and good conversation.

All in all, a total of 19.5 hours of travel.

The Rest of the Week

A lot of you reading this were there for most of it, drinks at Shlebby's et al. But my birthday at O'Byrne's was an awesome night and finishing off at Urban Lounge (which had it's roof cave in a week later ironically).

Had dinner at my mom's and then the next day at my aunt's with my dad and his wife.

The rest of the week was spent at the ol' fraternity house for some traditional fun and games, but I managed to slip in a night of karaokeing at B-Street. Sadly, Brad the DJ wasn't there, but a good time was had.

The flight 'home' to Topeka, was normal, finally, and it was strange getting back 'home'. 'Home' is such a weird relative term, as right now, I have two 'homes'. But I can't figure out which one I miss more.

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